Can I Retake GRE ?

Can I Retake GRE

  • Any candidate, who has already given GRE earlier and is not satisfied with that score, can reappear for the same.
    • You can take the test once every 21 days, up to five times within any continuous rolling 12-month period (365 days).
    • This applies even if you canceled your scores on a test taken previously.
    • You may take the paper-delivered test as often as it is offered.
  • However, many schools frown upon taking the test too many times. Taking the test twice probably won't get you into any trouble though.
    • Taking the test a third or fourth time may cause an admissions committee to question your ability.
    • If you take GRE more than once, the ETS will forward the most recent three scores to the schools you apply to.
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