This section consists of:

  • Introduction & Interview.(4-5 minutes)
  • Long Turn.(3-4 minutes)
  • Discussion.(4-5 minutes)

Speaking test varies from 11-14 minutes.
In this section an examinee has to take care of the following points:


  1. Look confident.
  2. Plan ahead and practice speaking.
  3. Be spontaneous.
  4. The examinee should not speak too fast.
  5. It should be noted down that the examinee should not speak too slowly and should not pause too much.
  6. Be creative with your grammar.
  7. Use advanced vocabulary and unusual phrases to support what you speak.


  1. Use the correct verb tense. If the question is asked in present tense, it has to be answered in present tense.
  2. Record your own voice and correct where you think, you are going wrong.
  3. Remember that all facts, timeless truths and everyday activities are to be presented in Simple Present tense.
  4. Speak and pronounce the numbers clearly.
  5. When you are talking about past events, use simple past tense.
  6. Make a list of Present and Past tense words.
  7. Practice stressing some key words.
  8. Practice on a variety of words which enhances your vocabulary.
  9. Make a list of important past events.
  10. Practice speaking at length.
  11. Ask examiner to repeat question, if needed, you will not lose marks on that.

Example of Speaking Question: Example Part 2
Describe a teacher who has greatly influenced you in your education.

You should say:
where you met them
what subject they taught
what was special about them
And explain why this person influenced you so much.

You will have to talk about the topic for 1 to 2 minutes. You have one minute to think about what you are going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.

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